Enerdrive – Simarine PICO Screen


The Pico system provides you with a simple overview of all important details regarding your battery (voltage, current, amp hours, battery capacity in%, battery temperature) and also tank level and temperature indications.


PICO’s display unit is made of a sleek anodized aluminum casing and a thick Gorilla® Glass with Anti-Reflective coating protecting the optically bonded high-contrast 3.5 inch IPS LCD display. It’s water and dust proof and can be mounted both indoors and outdoors. The screen brightness is automatically adjusted with a light sensor. The device is operated by four water tolerant CapSense® touch buttons.
Power Source Voltage Range 6-35V, Power Consumption at 12V
Temperature Range -20 – +70°C
Operating, WiFi On, 100% Illumination 90mA, Operating, WiFi Off, 70% Illumination 35mA, Operating, WiFi Off, 0% Illumination 18mA
Power Off, logger still active 5m,  Current (A) ±0.01A, Voltage (V) ±0.01V, Amp Hours (Ah) ±0.1Ah

Temperature ±0.1 °C/°F
Voltage Inputs Range 0-75V , WiFi Radio Frequency Band 2.4GHz

Connectivity Up to
Batteries 6, Shunts 24, Temperature Sensors 10, Tank Level Sensors 14
Inclinometer Sensors 2, Smartphone Applications 1
Logger Capacity Up to 3 Months